Jesus – Name Above All Names by Kenneth W. Hagin


Believers will learn more about the redemptive realities and blessings every Christian inherits at salvation through the power of Jesus’ Name.

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There’s power in the name of Jesus! When a believer speaks the Name of Jesus in authority, everything in Heaven stands still and the circumstances of life on earth must subject themselves to God’s will. Many Christians talk and get excited about this biblical truth, but few completely understand it. In Jesus-Name Above All Names, Rev. Kenneth Hagin, Jr. discussed the redemptive realities and blessings every Christian inherits at salvation through the power of Jesus’ Name. Readers will be strengthened and encouraged by this timely work drawn from biblical revelation and Rev. Hagin’s personal experience as they discover:-The authority Jesus’ Name carries in Heaven, on earth, and beneath the earth.-Why lifting up the Name of Jesus brings the anointing of the Holy Spirit.-The God has invested in Jesus’ Name to bless His children on earth.

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