Carminative – Aids the expulsion of gas from the stomach, or prevents it from developing in the first place
Anti-microbial – Combats micro-organisms that have invaded the body/skin
Anti-spasmodic – Relaxes the nerves & reduces muscular contraction
Expectorant – Increases the lungs’ phlegm production, making it easier to cough up
Anthelmintic – Helps remove worms from the intestines
Tonic – Improves the functions of the body
Emmenagogue – Promotes greater menstrual discharge
Resolvent – Reduces swelling
Good for sore throats & catarrh
Good carminative for use in dyspepsia & sluggish digestion, colic & wind spasms
Externally – Lotion for infected wounds
Internally – Respiratory & digestive infections
Soothing for irritable coughs
Excellent cough remedy – Produces expectoration & Reducing unnecessary spasm
Used for bronchitis, whooping cough, emphysema & asthma (especially in children) – Therapeutic effect on lungs
Useful for relieving symptoms of hay-fever
Gargle for laryngitis & tonsillitis
As gentle astringent – Childhood diarrhoea & bedwetting
Mouthwash for sore gums
Treats intestinal parasites
Thymol – Thyme’s most active ingredient – Used in Listerine & Vicks Vapo Rub
Treatment of Athlete’s Foot, ringworm, thrush, scabies & lice
Soothes tired & aching muscles, spasms & back pain
Anti-aging – Supports body’s functions & counters effects of ageing
Externally – Relieves bites & stings
Thyme works wonders when combined with:
* Echinacea & Elder Flower for colds, flu & sinus congestion
* Echinacea, Sage & Liquorice Root for Coughs & Bronchitis